How is Louisiana doing when it comes to workplace safety? A recent survey points to it doing fairly well.
The survey was by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The survey looked at private-sector workplace injury/illness rates for 2015 in different parts of the country. It found Louisiana’s rate to be 1.9 non-fatal workplace injury/illness incidents for every 100 workers. There are a couple aspects of the survey’s findings regarding Louisiana that are encouraging.
One is that they suggest that workplace injuries/illnesses have been trending down in the state. The survey found that the state’s workplace injury/illness rate for 2015 was down a little bit from where it was in 2014. The survey data points to many different industries in the state seeing a drop in their rate of such injuries and illnesses in 2015, including: enterprise/company management, manufacturing, mining/quarrying/oil and gas extraction, professional/scientific/technical services, real estate/rental/leasing, retail trade and transportation/warehousing.
The survey’s findings also point to Louisiana having one of the lowest rates in the country. Its rate was much lower than the national rate. Only one other place in the nation was found to have a lower rate than Louisiana’s, and that was Washington D.C. As a note, while the survey included a large majority of the states, there were a few states that weren’t included.
One wonders what the biggest contributors to these encouraging workplace safety trends in Louisiana have been and what efforts will be taken in the state to continue these trends.
Workplace injuries can be caused by many different things. This makes workplace safety a rather complex issue that touches on a wide of different factors. It can also lead to potential areas of confusion for a worker when they are hurt on the job.
How specifically a workplace injury came about can have impacts on the types of legal options a worker would have following suffering the injury. So, a hurt worker could end up being unsure of what options their particular injury gives rise to. One thing that could help an injured worker on this front is promptly speaking to a skilled work injury attorney about their injuries and the circumstances surrounding them.
Source: MyArkLaMiss, “Louisiana ranked No. 2 nationally for worker safety,” Nov. 3, 2016