It is a common sight in many cities: the gleaming glass of the windows of buildings. A lot of work goes into keeping such glass clean and gleaming. The workers who perform such cleaning can face many challenges on the job, including potential safety risks.
There are a wide range of safety dangers window cleaners can face at work. This includes dangers related to:
- Falls.
- Weather.
- Electrical work.
- Chemicals.
- Razor scrapers.
Such dangers can expose window cleaners to serious accidents that have the potential to inflict life-changing injuries. So, it can be important for individuals who perform window cleaning as part of their occupation to be aware of what steps they can take to protect their safety when it comes to such dangers. Recently, a field guide was released aimed at helping window cleaners with this.
This resource was issued by the International Window Cleaning Association. The guide came about through an alliance between the association and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Among the things the guide contains information on are:
- Identifying safety hazards.
- Avoiding common window-cleaning-related hazards.
- The safety rights window cleaners have on the job site.
When a window cleaner suffers an injury at work, a key thing for them to be aware of is what legal options they may have for pursuing monetary relief in relation to their injury. Such awareness can be very helpful when key decisions connected to compensation-related issues come up. Among the things injured workers can turn to in their efforts to be properly informed of their rights and options is the guidance of a knowledgeable workplace injury lawyer.
Source: Safety+Health, “Window cleaning association unveils online safety guide,” July 25, 2017