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When grocery shopping turns into a slip-and-fall injury

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2018 | Premises Liability

Let’s say that you are grocery shopping, basket in hand, when you suddenly slip and fall, hitting your head—hard. Even under the store’s harsh fluorescent lights, you didn’t see the puddle of water underfoot. Now that you have been injured, you may have to pay hefty fees to receive medical care— and all because you slipped and fell while you were shopping.

Fortunately, consumers who find themselves in this situation do have legal options. Grocery stores have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which their customers can shop without risk of injury.

Conditions for grocery store slip and falls

Slip and falls can occur anywhere, and grocery store slip and falls account for a surprisingly high amount of shopping injuries. Thousands of these injuries occur every year, and many of them are due to unsafe conditions. A few examples of these conditions include:

  • Slippery floors
  • Wet or icy ground
  • Cracked pavement
  • Poor lightning
  • Unsafe sidewalks
  • Insufficient security

Retailers have an obligation to ensure safe conditions for their shoppers or warn them if any hazardous conditions are present. Any store that neglects this obligation may be held liable for any injuries that occur on its premises, including falls. Slip and falls do not necessarily have to occur inside a grocery store, either. Accidents that took place outside may also be eligible for compensation as long as they occurred on the store’s premises.

Legal options after a slip-and-fall

Shoppers who have slipped and fallen in a grocery store may have legal recourse in the form of a personal injury lawsuit. A personal injury attorney can often help victims file civil suits that can lead to compensatory settlements. After all, a trip to the store should result in a full pantry of groceries—not an injury.
