Your daily commutes in Louisiana were uneventful and led you at times to become inattentive, but then an accident occurred, and everything has changed. Fortunately, if you contributed little or no fault to the accident, you may pursue a personal injury claim against the other side.
Crash deaths during commuting hours
The National Safety Council stated that there were nearly 40,000 car accident fatalities in 2016 and that roughly one in four arose during the morning or evening commute. The evening commute saw the greater number of these fatalities, and Friday nights were determined to be the deadliest time for commuting. In particular, the deadliest hour is 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Why the evening is so dangerous
The reasons are simple: Drivers tend to be fatigued and stressed by the evening, and this can lead to inattentive or aggressive driving. Sometimes, drivers may fall asleep at the wheel. According to the NSC, at least one-third of drivers in this country say they have done so at least once.
Traffic a danger in the morning and evening
Mornings are comparatively safer, but there is still a rise in car accident fatalities from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. In both the morning and evening, drivers have traffic to contend with, which can increase their agitation if they feel they are going to be late. Drivers who are used to their route may not react well to traffic.
Driving demands a lot of attention, which some people are unwilling to give; most commuters choose to drive because they have to. Taking the bus or train is, of course, safer but also possibly less convenient.
A lawyer for local representation
If you believe you have the grounds for a personal injury case after an accident, pursuing such a case may become easier with legal representation. You may consider having a lawyer evaluate your case. If you hire the lawyer, he or she might have investigators gather proof against the other driver before heading off to negotiations with the auto insurance company. The lawyer may be able to litigate if necessary.