Someone who is going about their daily business can end up abruptly harmed by an outside party. Both businesses and individuals can cause major harm to others. People choose to drive while drunk or to commit acts of violence against other people. Businesses release...
Brain Injury
Help for victims of catastrophic brain injuries
Catastrophic brain injuries can change the lives of victims and their families forever. For that reason, victims of brain injuries should be familiar with brain injury symptoms and how a claim for damages may be able to help them. Lasting impacts of a traumatic brain...
The 100 deadliest days of summer for teen drivers
Covington area parents of teenagers know that their children do not always make the best decisions. In fact, a person’s brain is not fully developed until they are in their 20s which is probably no surprise to parents. Most of the time the bad decisions a teenager...
Aaron Hernandez documentary tells a tale of CTE
There has been increased awareness surrounding traumatic brain injuries in recent years. Nevertheless, the recent documentary on Netflix called The Killer Inside insightfully details the tragic downfall of NFL tight end Aaron Hernandez. The former Patriot tight end...
Woman violently attacked in a fit of road rage
It is common for some drivers to let off a little steam when driving. Ideally, this involves yelling or cursing at a fellow motorist who is driving erratically and texting at the same time. It can get scarier when angry drivers drive in a way that reflects their mood....
Quick action can reduce the long-term impact of TBI
Parents used to think nothing of their child having their “bell rung” or getting knocked out. It could be playing football with other kids, falling off a bike or a random accident. They thought they were proactive if they were aware that the child was prone to...
Video game manufacturers could face addiction lawsuits
The parents of teen boys understand how popular video games are. However, there are also stories in the media of video game players who became so obsessed with a game that they were unable to maintain a job, relationships or education. This leads some to wonder if...
Distracted driving: An ongoing safety problem
When a person gets behind the wheel, his or her main concern should be driving safely. Unfortunately, many drivers are thinking about other things and doing certain things that should wait until they’ve arrived at their destination. You know that distracted driving in...
The facts about TBI
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are one of the most challenging physical conditions victims will encounter and a major cause for injury and death here in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 56,860 people died in...
Common causes of brain injury in kids
A severe head injury to a child is the biggest fear for many parents. It can be a toddler who falls down the stairs or teen who is hurt playing sports. So many took more than a passing interest when a study on traumatic brain injury (TBI) was recently published. It...