Truck Accident Attorneys in Louisiana
Truck accidents present a number of unique situations in personal injury law. As just one example, the injuries sustained in these accidents often are catastrophic and sometimes permanent. The raised stakes require that both sides retain experienced, effective legal counsel.
Trial-Tested Attorneys
At The Truitt Law Firm, LLC, we represent clients in truck accidents that occur throughout Louisiana. We have a strong track record of both litigating these cases on behalf of plaintiffs and defending trucking companies against personal injury lawsuits. As counsel for companies/insurers, we know that trucking companies can be a target for exaggerated claims or attorneys looking for a windfall at the expense of the company. We defend these cases aggressively.
We also know how to represent legitimately injured clients who have suffered damages as a result of these accidents. Our experience allows us to add value to your case if you or a family member is in need of legal representation.
Experienced Injury Lawyers With Insightful And Assertive Legal Strategies
Federal laws require commercial trucking companies to maintain extensive records regarding the operation and maintenance of their vehicles. When a trucking accident occurs that causes serious injuries, we conduct a thorough investigation that includes a meticulous review of all pertinent records.
We have the resources necessary to determine whether any number of factors that are frequently cited in tractor-trailer accidents played a role in the accident. These include:
- Driver fatigue or driver carelessness
- Improper driver training
- Improper maintenance
- Overloading or improperly loading a truck
Our attorneys have taken nearly 500 cases to trial. We understand not only how to build strong cases, but also how to present them in a comprehensive and convincing manner. We combine the investigative and litigation skills that are normally found at much larger firms with the personal attention and commitment to clients that are more characteristic of smaller firms. No case is too complex.
Discuss Your Legal Options During A Free Consultation
We welcome the opportunity to review the facts of your truck accident case and provide a candid assessment of what you might expect. We offer free consultations and work with injured parties on a contingency fee basis, so you will only pay an attorney fee if we recover compensation for you. For insurance cases, we offer alternative billing arrangements and reasonable rates.
Call 985-273-0900 or use the contact form on this website to schedule an appointment. For your convenience, we have office in Covington, Louisiana, and we handle cases throughout the state. Hablamos español.