The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released a report that 840 truckers died on the job in 2017. This is up from 786 in 2016 and represents an overall jump of 25 percent since 2011. According to experts, trucker drivers average 26.8 deaths per 10,000 workers,...
Year: 2018
Bike shares and safety
It seems that ride share programs like Uber and Lyft have quickly become part of the fabric in the metro areas of Louisiana. The next step has been the launch of Blue Bikes in New Orleans, which enables customers to hop on one of the 700 bikes at any one of its 68...
A change in concussion protocols for kids
There has been a heightened awareness of concussions diagnosis and prevention in recent years. This applies to professional athletes all the way down to young children. Generally speaking, those who have suffered a concussion would cease work and activities until the...
Employers may be liable for employee auto accidents
The scope of employment-related activities on the job can be a real grey area for employers and employees. In the past, a worker injured while working at a company would generally fall under the heading of workplace injury. Now, however, employees can work just about...
SUVs leading cause of increase in pedestrian fatalities
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is one of the respected organizations in motor vehicle safety. So people paid attention when a recent study announced that pedestrian deaths have jumped 46 percent since 2009 (a low point for pedestrian deaths) to a...
Leading cause of death for the young is unintentional injury
People talk about a fear of flying, but statistics say a person is more likely to die from lightning strike than a plane crash. Other fears include accidentally choking on food or animal attacks. However, the Center for Disease Control lists the leading cause of death...
Safety precautions for Thanksgiving and the holiday season
Almost everybody looks forward to the holiday season—and why wouldn’t they? Thanksgiving, Christmas and other special days are a time of celebration where friends and family gather and look a the positive in a world that’s often overshadowed by bad news. Those...
Unsafe driving behaviors that lots of people do
No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. In some arenas, those mistakes don't hurt anyone; they are just more of an inconvenience and something to fix. Correcting a mistake becomes another task to mark off a "to-do" list.Under some circumstances, though, making a...
Study finds bridges and roads in need of repair
We love our fair state, but updating roads and infrastructure do not often get the attention they deserve. There is now a new study by the non-profit Washington, DC-based TRIP that has determined that 14 percent of state and local bridges totaling 1,821 in number are...
SoCal Gas pays $46 million to injured motorcyclist
The Southern California Gas Co. will pay $46 million to a motorcyclist hit by an employee driving a company pickup truck. The employee had a history of epileptic seizures, and hit the biker who was stopped at a stoplight in Hawthorn, California on February 13. Despite...