Important note: As of July 2024, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of someone's injury. Someone who is going about their daily business can end up abruptly harmed by an outside party. Both businesses and individuals can cause major harm to others....
Know your rights if you slip and fall in a big box store
As someone who has to go grocery shopping or to buy items outside of your home, you’ll probably go to a big box store to do so. A big box store, which is a store such as Walmart, Target or other large retailers, tend to offer more items in one place. This makes it...
The facts about TBI
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are one of the most challenging physical conditions victims will encounter and a major cause for injury and death here in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 56,860 people died in...
You can fight city hall
The term “You can’t fight city hall” implied that citizens were not allowed to sue a municipality, parish or government agency because they had sovereign immunity. If there were egregious errors on their part, they would occasionally consent to be...
Common hunting injuries and how to prevent them
With the gorgeous spring weather upon us, many Louisiana hunters are putting on their gear and heading outside. Turkey season is upon us, and hunters are looking forward to spending some time in the wilderness in hopes of bagging a big fowl.But every hunting season...
Recognizing the symptoms of traumatic brain injury
Have you ever bumped your head and wondered whether you should go to the doctor? If you are reading this blog post, the injury was probably minor. But in some cases, head injuries can lead to a type of serious wound called traumatic brain injury.Traumatic brain injury...
Construction workers face considerable risk for fall injuries
Most Louisiana workers want to do their best to remain safe while at work. Many people may not consider their jobs particularly hazardous, but as a construction worker, you could face significant risks that could result in a serious work-related accident....