Someone who is going about their daily business can end up abruptly harmed by an outside party. Both businesses and individuals can cause major harm to others. People choose to drive while drunk or to commit acts of violence against other people. Businesses release...
Truck Accident
Why bigger vehicles often cause Louisiana cycling crashes
For children, a bicycle may be the first real taste of freedom that they ever have. In this way, grade-school and middle-school children can take control of their own transportation if they want to visit the nearby library or go to a friend's house a few blocks away....
Head-on collision in Louisiana leaves two injured
Most of us will probably have the good fortune to only be involved in minor “fender benders” once or twice in our lives. However, we all know that much more serious motor vehicle accidents occur every day in America. One such collision reportedly occurred recently in...
Wrong-way crash kills two in Jefferson County
One of the Missouri Highway Patrol’s chief functions is determining the cause of accidents that occur on the Interstate System or the state’s primary roads. Sometimes, this task is straightforward and takes little time to produce a concrete result. Other accidents may...
Truckers more liable to crash when they drink more coffee
Perhaps you were commuting between New Orleans and Covington, Louisiana, when you were hit from behind by a large truck. Now you're dealing with serious injuries and wondering if you can obtain compensation for medical costs and other losses. You may be able to file a...
Later starting times for high schools lead to safer roads
Parents of high school students know that Coventry’s 7:20 starting time for school comes early. They also see first-hand that teens are less concerned with getting a good night’s sleep, instead often staying up late even on a school night. Other everyday worries...
Fatality rates are down, but motorcycles are still dangerous
There have been alarming news regarding the 50% increase in the number of pedestrian deaths here in the United States in the last decade. So it is always nice to pass along some good news – motorcycle fatalities were down in 2018 (the most recent year of comprehensive...
Caffeine and the fight against truck driver fatigue
When a Louisiana driver is tired, he or she may swing through the drive-thru and grab a coffee or stop at a convenience store and get a caffeinated beverage. Caffeine is a common way for people to help themselves stay awake and remain alert, and the consumption of it...
The dangers of semi-trucks on the road
Semi-trucks are massive vehicles that take up a huge amount of road space. These commercial machines are necessary for the daily business of manufacturing and shipping, but they carry significant risk. Since 2015, over 12,000 people have died in truck crashes, with...
What goes into a million-dollar settlement?
It is common for the news or law firms to announce multi-million dollar settlements for victims injured or killed in truck accidents, fires or other human-made catastrophes. Some of these cases are worth more and more money. The common question for many is: What makes...